Every website has a form of Analytics tool. The most common tool is Google Analytics, which collects insights from website visitors. Based on this data organization can see whether a website is performing well and what possible improvements there are.
If an organization already has a Google Analytics code on its website, which isn’t used, it doesn’t need a cookie consent when setting up a Google Analytics account properly. The only adjustments that need to be made are:
- Anonymizing the visitors IP address
- Turn off data sharing
- Accept the Data Processing Amendment
- Create a clear privacy page about the use of Google Analytics
- Deactivate the Features for an advertiser
- Deactivate Remarketing and Reporting functions for advertisements
Is your organization collecting target groups and are you using remarketing for online campaigns? Then you definitely need a cookie banner.
Cookie notification GDPR proof
Does your organization has a cookie consent that complies with the GDPR law? Are you not sure? Let us know and we will help you with getting your website compliant.