Every website has a form of Analytics tool. The most common tool is Google Analytics, which collects insights from website visitors. Based on this data organization can see whether a website is performing well and what possible improvements there are.

If an organization already has a Google Analytics code on its website, which isn’t used, it doesn’t need a cookie consent when setting up a Google Analytics account properly. The only adjustments that need to be made are:

  • Anonymizing the visitors IP address
  • Turn off data sharing
  • Accept the Data Processing Amendment
  • Create a clear privacy page about the use of Google Analytics
  • Deactivate the Features for an advertiser
  • Deactivate Remarketing and Reporting functions for advertisements

Is your organization collecting target groups and are you using remarketing for online campaigns? Then you definitely need a cookie banner.

Cookie notification GDPR proof

Does your organization has a cookie consent that complies with the GDPR law? Are you not sure? Let us know and we will help you with getting your website compliant.

Make your WordPress website GDPR compliant easy and free!

Get a cookie consent banner set up on your website in minutes!

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